APS secures pensions for civil servants, teachers and employees of other public and semi-public organizations.
Learn more about the Algemeen Pensioenfonds Sint Maarten.
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APS offers its services to all its participants, also if they are no longer actively contributing to the Fund.
If you are currently working and paying into the Pension Fund.
If you are no longer paying into the Fund, but not yet retired.
If you are receiving your pension from the Fund.
Please click here to find out more about the benefits of the Fund.
If you are an employer with APS Pension as benefit for your employees.
No matter where you are in your pension journey, APS is here to help you by providing accurate information.
Pension is your future income when you stop working. Learn more about the three parts of the pension system in Sint Maarten.
The senior’s pension is a lifelong benefit that you receive from the age of 65.
If a participant of APS has gone missing, the persons who would derive pension rights from his death are entitled to a temporary pension.
The widow(er)’s pension is a lifelong benefit for spouses of APS participants or pensioners after their passing.
If an APS participant or pensioner has passed away, their children are entitled to an orphan’s pension up to the age of 27.
The disability pension is a benefit that you receive when you become permanently incapacitated for work.
A burial allowance is a one-off benefit that surviving family members receive when a retired participant passes away.
In order to grow, pension funds must invest. Our investment portfolio consists of local real estate projects, loans, time deposits, and an international stock & bond portfolio.
Investments in entities established in Sint Maarten and Curacao are considered local. Any investment outside of the monetary union is considered international.
Oryx Residences is a local APS residential real estate investment project that offers Sint Maarteners the opportunity to purchase or rent a modern, robust family home at a mid-range price ($145,000 – $245,000).
Between 40%-50% of APS’ total investments are international. The international portfolio is a diverse mix of equity (stocks) and fixed income (bonds) securities issued by entities in USD, Developed and Emerging Market.
Alongside Oryx residences, APS’ local real estate projects include Mary’s Fancy, the Professional Office Park, and the APS Parking Lot at the Government Building.
APS has a well-diversified portfolio of local bonds and loans in sectors ranging from Government and Health Care to the Tourism and Marine industries.
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