About Algemeen Pensioenfonds
Sint Maarten

APS is short for Algemeen Pensioenfonds Sint Maarten. APS executes the pension plan for employees of the government, institutions affiliated with the government and employees in a number of education institutions. Together with you we want to invest in a better future for Sint Maarten.

Established in October 2010

APS was established on 10 October 2010 after the creation of Sint Maarten as an autonomous country in the Kingdom of the Netherlands. APS is one of the legal successors of the Algemeen Pensioenfonds Nederlandse Antillen (APNA), which arranged these pensions prior to the constitutional reform.

The establishment and organization of APS have been our main focus in the last few years. During this transition period we made our relationships with employers, participants, pensioners and partners a priority. We did this by maintaining continuous communication and recruiting highly trained and experienced staff members. For APS, the next 4 years are all about strengthening and expanding our position on Sint Maarten. Read more about our mission here.

Our Organization

Our Board

APS has a board of five members in which employers and employees are represented. There is an independent chair. The board members are appointed for a term of five years and can be reappointed.
Before they’re appointed, they are assessed by the Central Bank of Curacao and Sint Maarten, which is the supervisor of APS. Then, they are screened by the VDSM. In addition, APS comes under the control of the National Audit Office.

Our Staff

APS' Staff is a dedicated team of professionals who make it their daily mission to safeguard your future pension.

Our Participants

APS serves nearly 2,700 active participants, nearly 600 former participants and more than 1,100 pensioners. Total assets of the fund stood at Afl. 747 million as at the end of 2019.

Investment Committee

APS has an investment committee. Its members are appointed by the Minister of Finance at the advice of the board and with consent of the Central Bank of Curacao and Sint Maarten.

Our Task

The task of APS is to execute the Pensioenlandsverordening overheidsdienaren (National pension ordinance for civil servants). APS is allowed to execute the pension plan of other public institutions within the Kingdom of the Netherlands provided that an agreement has been made for this and the board has been authorized to execute this plan. APS is not allowed to manage a fund in the private sector. Neither is it allowed to conduct insurances other than pension. The daily management of the fund is the responsibility of two directors, a general director and adjunct director, who report to the board.

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